Surviving without a village

I’ve seen a number of posts recently encouraging mamas to ‘keep going even though it’s hard, even though you’re exhausted, keep going’. And I’m curious about what it is they’re encouraging us to keep doing. Is it not to give up on living? Or is it to keep running ourselves into the ground? I wonder…

The challenge of accepting our limits

Could this be the hardest part of self-compassion? Knowing our limits and accepting them? Noticing that we’re tired and accepting that we can’t do everything we had hoped. Noticing that we’re tired and not doing more than we would usually do, just to prove to ourselves that we can. Knowing that we don’t have enough…

Olive-skinned woman looking stressed, dealing with becoming a mother, a Child Psychologist in Sheffield can help with this transition

Transitioning from successful professional to full-time mum

Dear Maxine, I love being a mum, but I’m finding it difficult to accept that as my only job. I used to work full-time and I really enjoyed my job. Although I’m so happy to stay at home with my children, I’m struggling with how society responds to me now that I don’t ‘work’. I…